
A colleague and I have both independently shot a roll of Kodak HIE film 
and both suffered fogging. We're trying to track down the cause and I was 
hoping there might be some collective experience on the list? We actually 
shot the rolls about a year apart, but apart from that everything we did 
was remarkably similar.

1. We both were slavishly careful in handling the film, loading and 
unloading in a changing bag, keeping the film in its plastic tub when 
outside the camera. 
2. We both used a Patterson plastic developing tank.
3. We both developed with ID-11 stock as per instructions for D76.
4. Both used Pentax cameras :-) (him ME-Super, me Program A)

The film appears to be evenly fogged in that the rebate/sprockets are also 
grey through the entire length of the film. You can just make out a faint 
image in some of the frames. All we can think of is that the film fogged 
in the plastic tank (both of us developed in daylight). The film before 
that one through my tank was a 120 roll of SFX-200 and that was fine with 
no fogging at all and my colleague has successfully developed more than 
one roll of Konica infra-red in his tank. 

Can anyone suggest anything else we could have done wrong?


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