K2DMD. Carefully researched to have all the features I wanted (MLU,
AE lock, some manual backup speeds, etc...). Surprisingly, one beaten
up specimen turned up at a local shop few weeks after that for a
bargain price  with the Dial Data Back (I think it was used by the
secret police here with the data back and remote control).
Unfortunately without a motor. The MLU was almost useless, because the
shutter and aperture assembly generated so much vibrations... Still it
was a great camera. I wanted Pentax because it could use M42 lenses
which I had plenty. After getting LX and MX I sold it to a friend
collector. Later these two cameras followed too :( I still toy with
idea of getting an MX (as I like the size, Leica-like), but it doesn't
feel as good as Leica or LX (in build quality). Probably I will just
buy F4 or F2 Nikons... But I still have a Spotmatic which I like a

Good light!

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