> From: Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/07/13 Wed PM 12:59:40 GMT
> To: "pentax list" <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
> Subject: Re: London Bombing update
> On 13/7/05, Bob W, discombobulated, unleashed:
> >Cotty means they were tracked after the event. Before the event they weren't
> >bombers, and weren't known to the authorities.
> I have some more info. *Warning* grim details follow.
> It appears that at least one bomber had personal details about his person
> in the form of an address! The bomber on the bus was decapitated in the
> explosion, and police literally found his head in the street. He was
> identified from his face, and turns out he was known to the police
> (exactly in what way remains to be seen).

It does seem that congratulations on excellent Police work were a bit ahead of 
time.  I was rather suspicious that such strong leads were being so obviously 
invesigated - the word "scapegoat" leapt unbidden into my head.  With the 
forensic equivalent of day-glo signage it is less suprising.  The hard part is 
now to find the real perpetrators of this crime, rather than the poor, deluded 
teenagers that are  criminals and victims at the same time.


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