From F Calc.

This little comparison chart takes into account the differing rule of thumb Circle of Confusion needed for APS and 35mm assuming an equivalent AOV for 18mm and 28mm. I generated this using fcalc, I could have done the math myself but this was easier...

Distance (feet)   3.0
Aperture          2.8

                APS    35mm
                -----  -----
Lens             18mm   28mm
COC              .0199  .025
Dof near (feet)  2.778  2.599
Dof far (feet)   3.261  3.555
Total Dof(feet)  .483   .9599

Looks like under these assumptions the DOF for APS with the equivalent AOV is about double.

Pål Jensen wrote:

Shel wrote:

An 18mm lens on a Pentax DSLR should yield, within a very small degree, the
identical result as a 28mm on a 35mm film camera.  Two pics taken of the
same subject from precisely the same location should be virtually
indistinguishable wrt image size and FOV  Is this correct?  What, if
anything, should be different between the two pics?  I ask this because
something tells me that they will not be the same in some respects.


The difference is in DOF.


When you're worried or in doubt, Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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