The old Series 1 lenses are pretty tough? I have a
24-48/3.8 - I could probably get by with just that and
maybe a telephoto lens.

--- Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jon M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Say you wanted to bring an SLR and 1-3 lenses with
> you
> >on a mountain biking trip... how would you do it,
> and
> >what sort of body/lenses would you bring?
> >
> >Just how tough IS pentax equipment? 
> From a couple of months ago:
> >>
> >>Friend of my friend has accidentally left his
> *istD on the roof of his 
> >>car and didn't noticed it till he drove 0.5 km. By
> that time 1.5 tons 
> >>weighting car overran it... See how it looks here:
> >>Lens is completely destroyed, but *istD survived
> and is still working 
> >>having only a few scratches on its bottom :-)
> I'd bring an ist-D and the FA 28/2.8 AL for one
> lens. Next choice would
> be the Vivitar 70-210 Series 1 or the Pentax FA
> 50/1.4 or A 20/2.8,
> depending what kind of shooting I was planning on. I
> have a Tamrac
> "Velocity 7" bag that I'd use for this kind of
> travel.
> -- 
> Mark Roberts
> Photography and writing

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