On 20/7/05, Paul Ewins, discombobulated, unleashed:

>What is the deal with booking a couple of tickets on the London Eye? I've
>been told to book the day before, do I just turn up and queue or is there
>somewhere else that it can be done.

Paul, of all the questions you asked, I'm afraid I can only help out with
this one. You can easily book online if you know you're going to be at
the London Eye at a certain day and time, and this will save a bit of
hassle. August is a busy month, and you may find that if you turn up and
get a ticket ad hoc, that the earliest available slot is several hours
later that day.

To turn up ad hoc, you simply walk into the ticket office, a building
right next to the Eye, purchase a ticket, then walk outside and join the
line (assuming your ticket is for shortly after you purchased it - the
time will be stamped on it). The line takes 45 minutes.

Highly recommend you book in advance.



I'll be popping into London to meet up with Boris the spider and maybe
Bob W on either 16/17/18th August. If you're around, you should come
along. I think we're just gonna goof off down by the river somewhere.

This is assuming I'm not moving house, and we've just found what could be
the right one - so I'm polishing off the starting blocks.......


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