[Original Message]

From: Tom Reese
This might make for an interesting thread.
OK -- here's a new thread for it.

Features I use the most in descending order:

used a lot:

mirror lock-up
ttl flash

less often:

double exposure
auto exposure lock

much less often:

multisegment autoexposure
exposure compensation

hardly ever:

Tv mode

not at all:

program mode

I'm interested in how others rate their cameras features.

My list:
Use a lot --
Multisegment metering and program (or Hyper Program, depending on the camera) for grabbing shots quickly Exposure compensation (especially with the digitals, to reproduce low-light scenes as darker than average) Spotmeter and Centre-weighted metering for those trickier metering situations
Av mode

Less often --
Tv mode
TTL flash

Rarely --
Autoexposure lock (prefer manual exposure in those situations because it has no time limit)
Mirror lockup
Self timer for reasons other than mirror prefire

Even more rarely --
Multiple exposure

Never so far in spite of having three or four cameras that can do it --

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