Well then... some landscape, some railfan, and
whatever else I decide to point a camera at and
release the shutter. :)

--- Kenneth Waller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What type of shooting do you do. Has alot to do with
> the proper head.
> Kenneth Waller
> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: Help me find my head (tripod head, that is)
> Got this old Gitzo "Gilux Reporter" at an estate
> auction not long ago, and I'd like to get an
> appropriate head for it. Everyone I've talked to so
> far seems to insist I should get a ball head. But
> what
> kind? I'm on a bit of a budget, so the cheaper the
> better - but I don't want a piece of crap. Top plate
> is about 2.75" in diameter. Will use heftier 35mm
> stuff, possibly MF too. 
> Also, is there any source for replacement rubber
> grips
> that go on the threaded collars for the legs and
> center column?
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