After this, I will shut up :-);

My thoughts in-line.


On 7/24/05 6:58 PM, "Herb Chong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the danger is that then medium format will be the ONLY camera market they
> will be in at the end of 2 years,

Where is the fact on which your opinion is based?

> also, what makes Pentax think that the 645D will be competitive in the
> medium format market when it finally ships?

I don't know but I tend to think Pentax know it and they do not usually do
too stupid or reckless a thing.  If anything, they are always conservative
and prudent, whether we like it or not.

> selling lots of low end
> 35mm-type bodies where they make very little money means there won't be much
> money around later.

I do not know if they make little money or not.  I have no such information.
Margin might be thinner but the volume is there.  So, I tend to think that's
the reason why Canon is there and this is their largest market.  What you do
not like is the fact that Pentax are serving the entry level market but not
coming up with the upgrade path.  That's true, but it has nothing to do
wioth your speculation that they are making little money in that particular
segment of the market.  If that market is so unprofitable, I tend to think
that Canon would be the first one to get out of it, rather than
concentrating it like now.

> if the body specs aren't continually being upgraded,
> even if it is just because other manufacturers are doing so, what makes
> anyone think that the current bodies will continue to sell anyway.

I think people are questioning how "frequently" the spec should be revised.
Compared with the bodies in this hot entry market represented by the Rebel,
how frequently Canon has been updating 10D, 20D or 1D etc.  I know it's
frequent enough but it goes by years certainly not by months.

> if the 
> imaging products division is forever going to be subsidized by the other two
> divisions, shareholders will have a thing or two to say about that.

I do not think sensible people will judge anything by the snapshot of the
financial status, particularly when it was influenced by a one-time
extraordinary event like the sudden burst of the digicam price.  I am sure
the real analysts must be looking at the longer term prospect too, although
I am not saying that the current situation is good, but obviously Pentax
have weathered this disaster with far less negative impact that anybody else
but Canon who were also hit hard, mind you.  It tells me that they have been
fairly prudent. Oly was NOT prudent, buries in the sea of dead stock, for

So perhaps the sky IS indeed falling.

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