David Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Jul 27, 2005, at 3:34 AM, danilo wrote:
>> My forehead is also flatter now, I thrashed it on my keyboard  
>> several times.
>> I've also spent a couple of days wandering like a zombie in the city,
>> swearing to some saint. People though I was insane. Indeed I was.
>I remember reading about a photographer who lost his life's work when  
>the building housing it caught fire.  IIRC he went insane.  This was  
>back in the dark ages before digital came along - disaster can easily  
>strike even us film shooters.

"Even" film shooters? *Especially* film shooters, in this example,
because it's quite impractical with film to create duplicate backups and
store them in separate locations.

>At least digital files are able to be easily (and losslessly) backed up.

When I do digital photo restorations, I tell customers to make several
copies of the CD and send them to any relatives who might have an
interest in the photo (it's almost always old family photos that get the
restoration treatment). When I point out that this protects them in case
their original is damaged by fire, flood, theft, etc. it's amazing how
many of them have never even *thought* of making multiple copies for
this purpose.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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