I haven't even really been here - got a glimpse of
a couple of Peso's and
see that one W Robb won the 600 - I hope it gets
to him before I do (aug 10)
maybe he will let me take a few shots with it.

So here is the news of the day -
I head out on Sunday with a 2 month greyhound bus
pass to visit and impose upon friends and family
all across the USA and Canada - including an
overnight chez Paul Stenquist next week and 2
chez Robb.  Hope to connect with Bay Area folk at
some point.

I will  have only 2 nights alone on the road where
i will have to shell out for a motel -
HOpe, BC and Weed, CA - Weed, Ca just being a kind
of pleasant mid-point between Portland and
Reno, where I need to be by the 19th of August for
the National Scrabble Championship - I'll be
staying there for about 8 to 10 days with friends
that live in Sparks.

I'll be off list for those two months but will
probably send a story or two in via list folk I'll
meeting up with along the way.

News of the day, though, is that in mid August the
letters of poet JAmes Wright will be published
by Farrar, straus & Giroux and 2 of those letters
are to me.  For those of you not inclined to
know American poets, Jim won the PUlitzer back in
72 and his son Franz won it last year.  Jim died
in 1980 - he was a good friend and his widow
remains so. I sold my entire correspondance with
(well, I kept 4 postcards and a few notes) to
finance this trip.

On the Scrabble scene, WORD WARS got nominated for
a EMMY!  This is under the documentary section, of

And on the here I am in the theatre again, kind
of, on of the Scrabblers who is also a playright,
is having those of us with some background in
theatre do a reading of his play in Reno one night
so he can listen to it.  Because it is a reading I
get to play a 30 year old British sculptor and
my lover is being read by WORD WARS
director/producer ERic Chaikin - who is a little
more age appropriate for his role.  Should be fun!

ON the photo scene, a museum curator looked at my
book at the flea market a couple of weeks ago and
asked me to contact her in the fall.... more than
that I don't want to say - could be nothing could
be great.

I tried to see the LEE FRIEDLANDER show at the met
but couldnt hack the crowds so stood in the
bookstore and looked at all the stuff in the book
-- GREAT stuff - I love him... 

So now I'm off to Scrabble club - will stay on
list and hopefully actually get to read a bit of
it before I leave on Sunday afternoon and get off
list, but I'm still buried under last minute

Oh yeah, and in Sept I'll be in Chicago at my 50th
high school reunion....
if any of you lot live in Chicago proper and could
put me up for 2 nights I would be very grateful...
my friend who I am staying with for all but those
2 nights lives near Waukegan.

annsan the travelin' fool

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