Nice composition. And a pretty scene. Good work.
On Jul 30, 2005, at 7:04 PM, Markus Maurer wrote:

Hi Rick
thanks, I'm flattered. This must be the nicest comment I had so far for a
PESO here.
Indeed it is worth to get up early in the morning to take photos because of
the light and the situations you cannot find here during the day.
But usually I sleep until 9 to 10 since I mostly work in the evening and in
the night so I miss a lot of this opportunities.
Maybe your comment encourages me to change that behavior and get up earlier


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Womer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2005 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: PESO:Fish o' Rama


I really like it!  The light is beautiful, the man is
in perfect position, the ferris wheel balances the
boat, and the bent pier unifies the image rather than
dividing it.


--- Markus Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Pentax Lovers
after having spent the night fixing some computers I
went early in the
morning at sunrise to the lake Zurich to take some
impressions for the
postcard series I make at the moment for my client

Between 6 and 9 o'clock you can fish at the landing
stage for pike and other
kind of fish like "Egli" and trout  and I had some
interesting talk with a
fisherman telling me all the details about
fishing... I would have loved to
get a shot with a fish but frankly did not have the
patience and went to the
flee market later on "Bürkliplatz" to take some
snapshots :-)

I used the Tamron SP 17mm on the Pentax P30 here.

comments are welcome

the link:
(a modest 92 KB)

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