You need a JIS Crosspoint driver - available from Micro Tools:;

Heat the screws to 450 degrees with a soldering iron to loosen the locktite.

This may help:


At 09:42 AM 31/07/2005 , you wrote:
>For those who don't recall...
>I have an M135/3.5 that isn't focusing to infinity.
>I've finally gotten the grip off, there is 3 screws
>around the barrel that seem to hold the filter ring in
>place. Those screws will not budge. I'm starting to
>think the standard six piece kit of precision phillips
>head screwdrivers lacks appropriately shaped tips to
>turn those screws - they act like they'll need a good
>bit of torquing to get them to turn loose. 
>Any pointers for getting these little (insert
>expletive here) loose?
>Thanks, y'all are the greatest.
>-Jon M. 

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