Cotty wrote:

I've been reading various pieces on Luminous landscape about the Epson R-
D1 (digital M-mount  rangefinder camera) and am seriously considering
tracking one down.

Do you have a number of M-mount (or L-mount) len$e$ already?


To bring this thread back on topic, somebody mentioned that a Pentax
digital rangefinder would be an interesting item, and I agree. Leica are
allegedly releasing their digital M body in 2006, and that's not going to
be cheap. I would wait for a Pentax...

The one interesting thing about the Epson is that for large/fine jpegs,
you can set the camera to record in monochrome, rather than shooting in
colour and converting later. That really appeals to me - to be able to
have the 'monochrome mindset' and compose accordingly.

When shooting with my current digi, I convert later, and sometimes get
distracted by the colour, perhaps wondering if a certain shot may not be
better in colour rather than black and white. If I didn't have the
choice, I think I would cope better. Lack of discipline ;-)

In any event, I do miss having a decent rangefinder camera. Especially
when I see Frank's excellent work. That's what a rangefinder camera was
made for.


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