I have been thinking about the same. Building a finder that mounts on the flash shoe and that you can look into from above from a distance of at least 30cm and see (more or less) what's in scope of the camera.

The conclusion was that optically at least a mirror and a lens are needed, but I wasn't able to work it out any further...

In the rangefinder world there are lots of flash shoe mountable viewfinders around, to accomodate lenses of focal lengths not supported by the internal view/rangefinder, so I would assume this also includes a waist-level type, but I didn't see it yet. Strange?

Anyway, I join your question!



Toralf Lund wrote:
I've been wondering if there is there is any way I might be able to actually see what I'm doing if I want to shoot from the hip with one of my Pentax cameras. Are there any good options for this, besides getting an LX and a proper waist-level finder?

I'm not necessarily looking for a finder that would allow me to focus accurately etc, just something that would give me *some* idea of what the lens is seeing. Maybe I might use some kind of home-made prism setup - has anyone experimented with this? Or how about attaching the viewfinder of an old Kodak folding camera or whatever ? And the refconverters? Will you actually be able to see anything through those without keeping you eye very close?

- Toralf

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