All the best to you!
Raimo K
Personal photography homepage at:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Shell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:04 PM
Subject: Bob Shell?

Hello All,

A friend mentioned to me that I had become a topic of discussion here, so I read some of the archives and decided to join.

Unfortunately, I can not comment on any of the specifics of the legal morass I am entangled in. I can only say again what I have said from the beginning, that I have neither broken any laws nor done anything wrong. All those who know me know that is the truth. People who don't know me can choose to believe what they will. In the process of 35+ years of writing about photography and doing my own nude photography for books, magazines, and galleries, I have stepped on some toes and made some enemies.

I changed lawyers early this year, and my new legal team asked me to take down my updates from my web site and not to put up any new ones, and I have full confidence in their decisions.

I really don't want to become the topic for threads on discussion groups like this, although I appreciate the support some of you have voiced. I'm always happy to hear from friends, including those who haven't met me personally. I feel that all of my readers are friends.

I have not vanished. These days I am Technical Editor for Digital Camera Magazine, and you'll find my camera reviews and articles there in every issue.

Hopefully I can add some useful and interesting comments to this group now and then.

Best wishes to all,

Bob Shell

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