frank theriault wrote:

On 8/9/05, E.R.N. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's what the F.A. stands for in certain university degrees.

always happy to help

Actually, that's a heck of a good answer!  (even though you may have
been kidding around).
Well I was kidding but I also knew it was true. Thanks for considering it a "good" answer in addition to being true.

In that context, it distinguishes Fine Art from "Arts", as in what one
studies to get a Bachelor of Arts.  Of course, the problem is, in the
context of outside of academia, one rarely thinks of history,
geography, philosphy and econmics as "arts", so how far does it BFA
vs. BA get us in the long run?  <g>

frank (who has a B.A., but still doesn't know anything about "art" <LOL>)
I make no claims about my actual knowledge, but I have a Bachelor of Science -- and will stipulate without comment that the abbreviation for same, here in the USA, is B.S.

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