On Aug 11, 2005, at 2:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have been scrolling the Apple Canada web iste lately, and have a few questions re the
14" iBook and the 15" Powerbook.

I'll try to be brief:

Regarding the numbers, the Powerbook is the high-spec "professional" line while the iBook is the "consumer" line. Powerbooks cost more but they are better. Just like iMac vs PowerMac desktops. However the higher specs come at an even bigger price than usual as you have to pay for the higher build quality as well (metal vs plastic enclosure, etc). That's where you can gain by upgrading an iBook, except for the video.

Other than that, from a hardware point of view, they're just like any other computer. All the connectors are standard (USB, FireWire, modem etc) so anything you plug in should just work. If you're new to Apple, grab a copy of David Pogue's "Mac OS X: The Missing Manual".

One good way to make up your mind is to leg it down to an Apple reseller and look at both machines side-by-side. I warn you that if you do this, you will buy the Powerbook ;)

FWIW I'm intending to buy a 15" Powerbook in the next couple of months... I've tried not to bias my post one way or another :)


- Dave


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