Mike Johnston now is putting out a printed photo newsletter. No price
listed in the announcement, but since it involves printing and postage
costs, I assume it is not free. (I don't know if this  has been noted on
this list yet, if so I missed it.)

BTW, I believe one of the testimonials at the bottom is from this list.


For Immediate Release / June 14, 2001

THE 37th FRAME A Photography Newsletter

Written by Mike Johnston, "The 37th Frame" is an ink-on-paper newsletter
intended to entertain, inform, and amuse. Published quarterly with the
seasons for the time being, its contents are all new, entirely about
photography, written exclusively for the newsletter, and not available
from any other source. "The 37th Frame" is available by subscription
only. No advertising is accepted. Each issue features:

THE RANT--Mike sounds off. Fools deserve, and folly receives, no
quarter. Blunt, funny, sometimes even wrong. But definitely
entertaining. There is a lot of foolishness in our field, even a bit of
injustice, and it sometimes provokes me to wax witty and acerbic. If
you've had a bad day, this might help you feel better.

THE LENS TEST--A subjective aesthetic appraisal of a different lens in
each issue, in the tradition of the great Japanese optical savants. For
the connoisseur. Folk who like their world strictly by the numbers may
want to steer clear. Those with a poetic streak or an aesthetic
sensibility will understand.

THE SCOOP--This is where we dish the dirt. Good is the reward of the
good, but scoundrels get their just desserts. Anecdotes, apocrypha,
tales and legends of the old days, industry shenanigans, inside stories,
and straight talk like you won't hear in the commercial magazines.

THE VIEW--Photographs, photographers, books, techniques, viewpoints,
reviews, verities. Guest opinions and reviews. Personal prejudices and
product loyalties, good stuff, plugs for things that work and work that

THE NEWS--The rest of what you'll want to know from me till next we

All written in a style that is a cut or two above the usual semiliterate

The first issue is ready to go to the printer.  To sign up, contact
Michael C. Johnston at: 

37th Frame 316 Windsor Drive Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 Inquiries:

"Your piece is among the 3 best that have ever been written about my
work...I think you are a very good writer." --Helen Levitt, responding
to a review of her one-woman show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

"You are a punk." --A manufacturer, following an overly honest product

"A writer's first duty is to be stimulating...You are not _bland_!"
--Dave Jenkins

"If you leave the [mailing list], how am I going to get my 'Johnston
fix'?" --Name withheld

"You may not agree with everything Mike Johnston has to say, but you'll
be entertained by how he says it...one of the most interesting writers
about photography in America today." --Phil Davis, author of _Beyond the
Zone System_, the textbook _Photography_, and Professor Emeritus of
Photography at the University of Michigan

"Your writing is so _tasty_." --Sally Mann, renowned art photographer
This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
go to http://www.pdml.net and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .

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