Hi Gang.

Took in a hockey game for cancer research last Friday in Collingwood. Its 
something that
has been
done for a while now in memory of a young rider/hockey player who lost his 
battle a few
years ago.

Any way it was between to tack stores and quite a few of the show people take 
part, so i
went and
shot some pictures for them.Nice break from 2 weeks of horse showing and the 
cool arena
was a
welcome sight in 90 degree humid weather.:-)


Click on the Collingwood 2005 folder.

I have put up 7 so far,may be a few more action shots a bit later.

Not great due to high iso settings and lighting,but for those that are into 
hockey, enjoy.

The teams had former NHL players as Captains. Dale Hawerchuck<sp> for the white 
team and
Gary Leeman
for the red team(they won btw)

Oh, CHCP = Canadian Hockey Content Photos



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