Scott -

Check out Alienbees. They're a division of White Lightening. Good value for the investment - customer service is great. Adjustable over a 5 f-stop range, built-in slave, built-in modeling light, low trigger voltage so they're safe on the camera electronics.

I have three of them, with a fourth in the not too distant future. They offer a 10% discount if you're enrolled in a US college, university or community college. All you need is a student ID.


Scott Loveless wrote:
Howdy, gang!

I've been toying with the idea of buying a couple of strobes for
portraiture.  Whilst looking of the rather meager local selection I
came across a continuous (not flash) cold light set.  The set includes
a couple of three bulb 16" reflectors, diffusion screens, and stands. They're low wattage, 5000K fluorescent lights, and they're very
affordable - about one-fifth what I was planning on spending for
strobes.  RPS advertises them as lighting for digital photography, but
since I shoot mainly black and white I thought they might work for me.
 Any thoughts on this type of lighting?  Any recommendations for other

This is the first online retailer I found who carries them:{D8D0D312-3C44-4EF4-B9B0-5F1EVERESTFF6BDA1E0}&ic=24209&eq=&Tp=

Thanks in advance.

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