On 18/8/05, P. J. Alling, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Then I guess the word neat has come back around?

Wouldn't surprise me. Not here (yet) though. 'Cool' is in, but it was in
in 1974 in the Bay Area when I was 14. 'Wicked' is in. Some things rub
off on our kids (mainly from the Simpsons) but other things don't. I
think it's partly to do with pronunciation. It's easy for Americans to
say 'butt' as in 'butt-head'. Not as easy for us Brits. We overcook the
'tt' bit - like saying buttttttttter instead of budder.

Oddly, we can say 'mate' better than you. In that case, the 't' is almost
silent from us. You guys make it sound like a sex education class.


uh oh, I'm off.


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