Bob Blakely wrote:

You are incorrect. The only subculture that I come in contact with that invariably (so far) gives me trouble is the Hispanic gang culture near my area. That is not to say that all "white middle aged males" have treated me well, or that all the Hispanic gang members have treated me bad, but it's like less than 1% of the first and almost all of the latter who have vexed me or stolen from me. I generally avoid the latter. Now, I live in Southern California so about half my friends and coworkers and one son-in-law are Hispanic. Guess what? They feel the same way I do and avoid the little gang bangers as much as possible and paint over gang graffiti along side me.

Send all your Pentax gear to:
Robert C. Blakely
253 N. Pageant St.
Anaheim, CA 92807

Someone will be there to receipt for my new goodies.


What a boring neighbourhood you live in! No psycho biker gangs, no corrupt cops, no teen gangs other than Hispanics, no megalomaniacs in County Hall. I must revise my perceptions of the USA.....

I'm afraid there's a difference between "I bet" and "I would bet". No gear on its way to you this time.


"The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose
as to obtain the largest possible amount of feathers
with the smallest possible amount of hissing."
- Jean-Baptiste Colbert,
  minister of finance to French King Louis XIV

From: "mike wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bob Blakely wrote:

Valid and rational conclusion, or not, that IS what happens in the normal course of human events. Further, the chicken was absolutely right - until it's death. If I'm crapped on continually in ANY situation by people of some different (sub) culture, I WILL avoid the situation and those associated with it. I really don't give a twit about whether my conclusions absolutely and in all cases right or wrong. Only that the conclusion serves me for all practical purposes. It's just like theories in science. Newtonian relativity may not be complete, but we seldom have to deal with velocities close to the speed of light or gravitational potentials differing sufficiently to make our clocks so inaccurate that we'll miss a meeting. Therefore (save for some specialized fields of endeavor) we think in terms of and use the everyday mathematics of Newtonian relativity only. It successfully gets us through our lives with a minimum of crap. So does avoiding those, who in our experience, are just too aggravating to be around.


I find your conclusion odd, to say the least. I would willingly bet all my Pentax gear that the group that has caused you most problems has been white middle aged males. Do you avoid them?


"The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose
as to obtain the largest possible amount of feathers
with the smallest possible amount of hissing."
- Jean-Baptiste Colbert,
  minister of finance to French King Louis XIV
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob W" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:41 PM
Subject: RE: The Photographer's Rights

That's not a valid or a rational conclusion. You are using induction, which is fraught with problems, and is not 'truth preserving'. In other words, even if all the premises are true, the conclusion is not necessarily true.
The rational person, in the situation you describe, will look for other
conclusions, knowing that the predictions made on the basis of induction are
not the only ones that are consistent with the available evidence.

Bertrand Russell gave an example to demonstrate the often weak conclusions you can reach by induction. A chicken woke up every morning and was fed by the farmer. The chicken concluded that he would be fed every day. One day he
woke up, expecting to be fed, and the farmer cut off his head.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 17 August 2005 13:47
Subject: RE: The Photographer's Rights

Quoting Bob W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> How is it possible to have a rational dislike of an ethnic minority?

Lets say for example that every dealing you have, be it
personal or business, with a particular ethnic group, you get
dissed and/or ripped off.
Eventually, you will conclude quite rationally that there is
smething wrong with that group, or their culture, and will
come to dislike them.

William Robb

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