Hello Colin,

Could use a little more info.  Are you shooting outdoors?  What other
light sources are there besides studio flashes?  Are you shooting jpg?

When I was shooting with studio flashes and jpg, I found the AWB
didn't work too well.  You could set a custom white balance or at
least set it to flash setting.

Obviously shooting raw lets you finalize this after the fact.

Best regards,

Saturday, August 20, 2005, 11:14:04 PM, you wrote:

CM> Recently I have been shooting sports teams and high school balls with
CM> studio lights and my ist D.

CM> The skin tones are far too yellow. This doen't happen under sunlight or
CM> with a metz flash.

CM> The lab suggests setting the contrast and saturation to the lowest
CM> levels on the menu. 

CM> Any experiences or suggestions.

CM> Cheers

CM> colin

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