
Thanks for your insight. May be, the reflections
originate from the inner part of the lens housing ?
(if the painture of inner side is not all matte).
I agree, that these lenses are difficult to use;
therefore,I decided in favour of the SMC-F fish-eye
zoom (zooming may allow adjustments of the degree of
line distorsion - this probably make the usage of the
lens less difficult). 
However, I am still intrigued by the idea of a
circular image with an angle of 180 degree view in all

René van Ginkel wrote:--------------------

I have a Peleng, the lens is sharp but suffers a lot
from internal
reflections which are giving light rings on the
outside of the picture
circle. Its not flare but something different.  The
picture circle is a bit
larger then the short side of a negative or slide
(about 25 mm). The lens is
cheap in it's kind, well build, painted instead of
anodized and mine came
with a Nikon adapter. When using it with a Nikon
adapter you can't use it on
a F-camera like the F, F2, F3 etc because there to
little space for the
cameramirror behind the lens (reason: backmounted
filters which you have to
use and are included) a Nikon FE didn't have the
problem. I didnt't have
problems using it on a MZ5n or a KX/MX but maybe the
LX will be problematic.
These kind of lenses are extremely difficult to use
and a IMO a bit of a
Don't know about the Sigma, its a lot more expensive.

René van Ginkel

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander Krohe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 11:20 PM
Subject: Circular fish-eye lens for pentax-k -- Peleng
or Sigma EX?

> Hi,
> In my knowledge there are two circular fish-eye
> for Pentax-k available: the Sigma 8mm EX and the
> Peleng 8mm lens from an Ukrainian company.
> Does anyone have experiences with one of these
> How do they perform optically? Are they any good?
> Any comments are highly appreciated,
> Alexander

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