Yes. Just set the flash to Manual using the Fn button menu. That's how mine's set. The flash will only be enabled when you press the button to open it manually. I've never had it set to anything else... ;-)

When the shutter speed drops below a threshold (still don't know whether it's focal length sensitive or not...), the camera will light the flash warning at the bottom of the viewfinder as a suggestion. It's barely visible, certainly not annoying, and serves as a helpful reminder if you're not paying attention to explicit shutter speed to hold the camera steadily.

With the DS, if you mount a manual focus lens and have the focus mode set to AF, the shutter will not release unless the focus confirmation system thinks it's in focus and lights the green confirmation indicator at the bottom of the viewfinder. Easy to ignore it and defeat the problem: just flip the switch to MF and ignore the indicator light. I often turn off the focus point indicator too when using a manual focus lens as it will always indicate focus on the center point, that's in the Custom Settings menu, "Superimpose AF area"...

The DS has a number of things when set to its "idiot mode" defaults to help a novice from not making exposures accidentally that will be crappy. Luckily, each and every one of them can be turned off easily, and they stay that way.

"Have I said how much I like this camera today?" :-)

The FA35/2 is a super match to the DS ... Speed, size and weight are perfect for a normal lens. The AF is very quick and sure, and its imaging qualities are superb. On manual focus, it has a light, smooth, sure feel, and is contrasty enough to snap in and out of focus beautifully. I'm very glad I bought this lens, it is a perfect complement to the FA20-35 and F50/1.7.

(I'm sure the FA28/2.8 is too, for a wide-normal focal length. I'm tempted to just order one of those as well. Sigh ... lens acquisition greed strikes again.)

On Aug 23, 2005, at 5:50 PM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Yikes! Belinkoff is asking a question about flash?!? What's the world
coming to?

Well, actually I'm asking a question about not using flash. Can flash use be turned off absolutely with the istDS? My concern is that there may be some circumstances where the camera will decide flash is appropriate and
that the flash will go off automatically, or, barring that, the camera
won't fire at all. IOW, if I'm using the camera in one mode or another, and decide to not use flash, will the camera will allow me to underexpose to whatever degree i want without annoying me with the flash popping up or sending me a distracting message or, worst of all, refusing to fire because
the chosen exposure is outside some parameter or other.

The main reason I ask is that I saw someone using another brand of DSLR and the camera refused to fire at all because of some parameter being wrong (and I think it was because the camera decided the exposure needed flash). I want to always be able to make an exposure regardless of how wrong it may be, and to make that exposure without any interference from the camera.

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