The scuttlebutt hearsay on this lens is that they are prone to element separation due to some quality control issues in assembly. That said, if you got a good one, the other scuttlebutt I've heard is that a good one is superb. For a one-stop light loss compared to the f/2.8 model, I'd much rather have the light weight and compact size of the f/4 model, presuming that a good one was actually what the scuttelbutt hearsay claims. (I don't own one, but one of my local Pentaxian user friends does and he loves it... obviously, he got a good one. ;-)

That said, the FA28-105/3.2-4.5 AL IF seems to be just as good a performer in the 28-70 focal length range (at least), is a little faster when wide, nets a little more reach at full tele, and costs only $210 new. It's also small and light. So if the one you bought does turn out to be damaged somehow, there are other good, inexpensive options.


On Aug 23, 2005, at 6:24 PM, John Taylor wrote:

Does anyone have experience, opinions and/or samples for the FA 28-70/f4 AL? I just picked up a used copy for $75 and will not have a chance to test it out until I get back home from travel for work. The lens appears to be in great shape, but the focus ring seems pretty loose at least off the camera. Is this normal? I'll be using this on my *istDS since I can't yet afford the F2.8 model.

Jay T

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