I have developed three PhotoShop actions to make rectilinear images from
the Zenitar 16mm fisheye when used on the ist D/Ds.  The actions require
Panorama Tools and PTLens, both free downloads.  PTLens is a Windows program.

The actions use PTLens to defish the image.  PTLens correction for the
Zenitar simply chops off the extra image size which converting to
rectilinear creates.

The first action 'Zenitar Defish' expands the canvas to the correct size to
retain the extra image size which is created defishing the Zenitar image.

'Zenitar Spherize' Uses PhotoShop's Spherize tool to squeeze the image back
into the original frame size.  Works well with distant objects, verticals
and horizontals but messes up if there is a diagonal close to the camera.

'Modified Zenitar Spherize' will make some images with close diagonals better. 
I created a modified PTLens Zenitar lens profile to over correct the
fisheye distortion.  Compressing the image back to the original frame size
with Spherize straitens the diagonals.  

PTLens must be pre loaded with the correct lens profile before running each
actions.  This is a pain and I wish there was a way around it.  I think the
two actions work well but will not give perfectly straight lines in all images.

If you have the Zenitar 16mm, an ist D/Ds, PhotoShop and Windows please
give these actions a try.  Contact me and I will send the actions and
instructions.  I plan on putting up a web page but I would like to get some
feedback first.

The actions should also work with the Pentax or Sigma 15mm fisheyes.


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