Spent a couple 100 degree hours at Sacramento 's Land
Park Zoo awhile back. 
I envied a polar bear which kept diving into its pool
(probably refrigerated) and spinning to the surface.
Finally occurred to me to try for a shot. Didn't get a
solid freeze, but a "different" image.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 8/24/2005 8:03:43 AM Pacific
> Standard Time, 
> I think it has to be this guy.
> http://www.muddypawz.net/other_port/img_0002.htm
> He was sort of "sprung" upon me. I had gone to a
> lady's house to photograph her two dogs and ended up
> taking photos of not only the dogs, but her horse,
> rabbit and lizard too! Wasn't quite sure what to do
> with him. Luckily I had a swag of black velour in my
> bag and there happened to be this plant stand in her
> dining room so I hauled it over and stuck mr.lizard
> on
> top. Came out quite well, I thought :-)
> Wendy
> =============
> Hehehehe. Yes it did come out well.
> Very old fashioned kind of portrait shot. Effective.
> Marnie aka Doe :-)

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