Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Aug 23, 2005, at 6:17 PM, Mark Roberts wrote:
>> I'd like a 26 x 34 sensor myself: It's just about the same image  
>> circle as a 24 x 36 but in the 3:4 ratio I prefer (one of the 
>> things I like about the 645 format).
>I'm with you, Mark, on the 3:4 proportion format. Less paper wastage  
>for 11x14 and 8x10 standard sizes, less pixel wastage when cropping  
>to square or 2:3, and a nicer feel on wide angle work in my opinion.  
>I tend to compose more square than 2:3 most of the time, I guess my  
>Rolleiflex TLR roots show through. ;-)

I find 2:3 (35mm format) too long and 6 x 7 format too square. the 3:4
of 645 seems "just right" to me. When you actually compare the
proportions side by side the difference doesn't look very significant,
so I was quite surprised to notice how much I prefer the one over the

I'm also partial to slightly *wider* than 35mm format, often cropping or
stitching to get 2:1.

As you might guess, I cut a lot of my own mats!
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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