frank theriault wrote:

On 7/27/05, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[The poor bloke who asked about the MZ-S must be quaking in his boots by now.]

Oh yeah, the new guy started this thread.  Geez, we should really be
on our best behaviour then, shouldn't we?  <g>

Right then! A duel at GFM! Flashguns at ten paces!

I was thinking more along the lines of Hobgoblins, but I don't fear
you.  You can choose the weapons, little man!  <LOL>

all the best, love,

ps:  I don't want to get into a drinking duel with Norm.  There's a
man I'd truly fear in such a contest.  Look what he did to Cesar (the
former gate-boy) this year.  <shudder>

It was not Norm's drinking that did in gate-boy this year. I will have you know that I did redeem myself as gate-boy at the Camera Clinic. And yes there was wine involved along with a pre-dawn trip up the mountain...

Next year's NPW could be interesting,


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