Purple fringing is a problem associated with DSLR sensors, that can be kept in check with proper lens design. I should have said that the 100mm f/2.8 FA macro and the 135mm f/2.8 FA lenses can contribute to purple fringing on DSLRs, though at least in the case of the 135mm FA lens, I've had very good results on my *ist-DS, and only once noticed purple fringing. YMMV.

Herb Chong wrote:
purple fringing is a sensor problem on a DSLR, seldom a lens one.

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Oswald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: question about primes: 100/2.8 and 135/2.8 FA (D)

D-FA 100mm f/2.8 Macro: Optimized for digital. Presumably less suceptible to purple fringing and the like than the FA version, though I've heard very few complaints about the FA.

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