I'm reposting this one. For some reason I did get the subject line wrong the
first time:

I had a walk in the Vigeland Park when I was in Oslo. Those of you who has
been in Norway know it, for the rest of you: It is a large sculpture park
Oslo, with 192 sculptures by Gustav Vigeland, a very fine artist. He
designed the park himself.
It is one of the main tourist attractions in Oslo, and we locals like to
walk there too. It is huge. Some take their lunch there, like in any other
popular park. In the outer areas people walk their dogs, run or just
Check out this link for more info:
It might be better resources out there...

Enough background, here is the link to the picture:
I was playing with body language.
*istDS at RAW 400 ISO, and
Tamron 28.75/2,8 at 55mm, f22 and 1/50.
Might use this as a converting to b&w rehearsal later. Believe it has
potential for it.
Posted another yesterday, have been productive. Post titled PESO:Late
Reflections. No comments so far. It deserves better IMHO.

If you don't feel like finding the origenal post, but still wants to have
look: Look up my name at the page og the "thinker", a bit below the
that’s a link to my other submitions at foto.no
What a heck, here is the link
Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)
Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large crowds
(Very freely after Arthur C. Clarke, or some other clever guy)

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