In a message dated 8/26/2005 8:33:19 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
The local CVS carries "single use" digital cameras, horrible low 
resolution things, at about twice
the price of a single use film camera without review, and twice that for 
a model that allows review
of the last shot taken.  Both allow you to delete images but without 
review how would you know
that you wanted to...

I've thought about buying one to try to crack the interface.
So, right now, maybe disposable digitals won't replace disposable film 

I was just thinking that disposable film cameras were a big part of Kodak's 
profits at one time. Not sure, it just seemed that way. Family gathering, get a 
disposable film camera. Trip, get a disposable camera. I mean, I thought lots 
and lots of people did that. Non-photographer types, ergo, disposable digital 
could be the same and Kodak could retain profits in that area. But not unless 
the pictures are semi-worth it. 

Or maybe disposable film cameras will be a market that will continue for 
sometime. If they are cheaper, etc.

I think I have only really seen disposable Kodak and Fuji cameras. They seem 
to have cornered that market.


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