
This is very similar to one of my recent photos, so naturally I like the
idea ;-))

Well, I naturally wasn't aware of that ;-).

Unfortunately, the framing or cropping leaves something to be desired.  The
angle of the bench lessens the impact of the photo and creates an unneeded
and unwelcome tension in what would have been a more tranquil and relaxed
scene.  The position of the woman on the bench is a bit odd.  I don't think
I'd have made the exposure at the moment you did.

Funny you should mention this... You know, I would really like you and me have a walk and shoot together... First of, no cropping was applied. This is full frame. Second of, I really liked the pose of the woman. She was (like many Londoners at that time in Hyde Park) doing some kind of morning exercise. She sat on the bench and started some kind of stretching or something... I thought - that would be my shot.

You could see that the sky was rather dull at the time and the number of tranquil photos made by the almost still water is immense. This one is just a tad different.

It's also possible that the scene could have been photographed without the
woman in it - just the bench and the lake scene. It might have been a
worthwhile exposure just to see.

I agree, though at the time like I said I did not find the scene attractive enough.

When making photos such as this it's sometimes a good idea to make numerous
exposures.  Little things in the scene which may go unnoticed while
photographing can sometimes make a big difference in the results.

I totally agree with you here... Though I was very short on resources (just 4 1MB cards for the whole trip (~ 300 exposures) ), so I was very considerate of my efforts. Kind of going out to shoot with just one frame loaded in the camera, if you see what I mean.

Like I said, may be one day I'll make it over the pond and then I'd give you a notice if you don't mind.



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