Hi everybody,

As I mentioned in my last message, I left home to the Aeolian
Islands on the 13th. I'm not the kind of guy who believes much
in luck, but that number's fame should have a bit of meaning
after all...

I had five bodies with me, *ist D, LX, Fuji GS645, Yashica T5
and Ricoh GR1.
The last one was the first to go: it stopped working probably
after a couple of days. I had it mostly for real B&W shots, and
used it a bit before noticing that it was not exactly working
properly - it sounded like it was but in fact the shutter did
not open...

After a week we went to a tour of other two islands, Panarea and
Stromboli. I had filled 1,5 GB with the D when suddenly it
freezed. I thought: "well, it happened before, I just have to
leave the battery out for few hours and the camera comes back to
life". I did not... :-(
I tried several times during the week but with no avail. Luckily
it's still under warranty.

Then the LX, my only SLR left, started behaving strangely.
Sometimes the aperture remained stopped down after the shot was
taken. Then the mirror started to remain up. I managed to make
it work even under those circumstances but you can guess how sad
I was. The mirror was probably a battery thing, but the lever
that stops down the aperture is a bit loose and resting a bit
higher than normal. Another one that will go to Florence for
repair. This one is my older and more used LX; I guess I should
have sent it in for a CLA a long time ago.

When I came back home I found both my "new" computers not
working. My brother said he had taken the newer one to the shop
for a check and there it worked, or so I'm told. Now it is going
there againg... Grrrrrrrrr

Maybe a trip to Lourdes is in order...




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