I have a beat-up MX that I use for just the same purpose. My kit bag usually
contains an *istD for colour/general and an MX loaded with B&W film. Strange
combination but it works for me.

Keep plugging away with eBay - I'm sure that you will find a decent MX body
for around $100 if you are patient. I paid $35 for mine on eBay. It was
being sold as "spares or repair" but I have found it to be perfectly usable.

Rob W

-----Original Message-----
From: Powell Hargrave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 31 August 2005 04:37
To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Subject: Fixing a cheap MX

I've decided I want an MX to be able to mount my growing collection of K
mount lenses on if at some time I need/desire to shoot some film.  An MX
because it small, simple and will work without batteries.

It likely will not see much use so do not want to spend much on the camera.
 So I've been watching eBay and find prices for even real beaters, one
which looked like a bus had run over it, go for over $100.  The only ones
fitting into my desired price range are broken.  Usually stuck
mirror/shutter, or dead light meter.

So if anyone is an experienced MX doctor can you tell me if some particular
variety of these non working MXs would be fixable by a competent but
inexperienced mechanic.  I have looked at the service manual and done a few
not too successful searches on fixing the MX.  But without the camera to
tear apart it is hard to judge the fix ability.

I guess the other option is to blow the budget on an expensive black
investment camera and hope I can use it occasionally and still keep it in
museum condition.

Can't seem to find a nice one, or a functional beater, that no one else
wants to bid on.

Suggestions - comments?


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