Have been casually following this thread and finally
have a question. Your last post included the
comment;"a good bit of motion blur" even though all 22
frames were apparently shot "wide open". (f/2). Poor
lighting and dull subject?
Under the circumstances, it would seem difficult to
assign blame to lens.
I own an M 50 f/1.4 (also an A f/2 that came with a
Super Program a few years ago)) and I'll try some 
shots at f/1.4. I'll use a heavy tripod, mlu and self
timer. They'll be on film, so will take a little


--- Don Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Godfrey, for going to all that work.
> I think I've just reached the point that either the
> A50, or my attitude,
> needs an overhaul.
> I am 100% certain that there is nothing wrong with
> the lens.
> Either my eyes, camera, attitude, or a combination
> of them is
> my problem.
> I have had good shots with this lens on the D, but
> they're
> more the exception than the rule.
> I went out after a rainstorm this morning with the D
> wearing an
> older (all metal) M50/2 I had just cleaned.
> 22 shots, all wide open, and not a single seriously
> mis-focused
> one. (Good bit of motion blur though!) ;-(
> Granted the smaller stop is a big help, but it's
> just strange that
> I can't do this with the brighter lens.
> Oh well, ya gotta use what works. ;-)
> Thanks again for the tests.
> Don
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 4:28 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: A50/1.4 versus M50/1.4, Comment
> Please
> > 
> > 
> > Don,
> > 
> > Your tests with the 50mm lenses made me interested
> to do a little  
> > testing, since I have F50/1.7, A50/1.4, A50/1.7,
> and A50/2 lenses at  
> > present. I also have a K50/1.4 lens belonging to
> another PDMLer which  
> > needed a quick test because the box it was shipped
> in was so crushed  
> > in shipment to me (I'm handing this lens off to
> yet another PDMLer..  
> > yeah, complicated).
> > 
> > I set up the tripod and DS body on my porch, used
> a set of U-Haul  
> > moving boxes (for their printed matter) at about
> 10' distance as a  
> > focusing target. My F50/1.7 has been the only
> "problematic" Pentax  
> > lens on AF I've got ... it is the only one that
> regularly doesn't  
> > focus smoothly and quickly ... so I started with
> that. I set aperture  
> > wide open, set exposure via Av for the F and A
> series lenses, set the  
> > same exposure manually for the K, and made two
> exposures each: one  
> > focused manually by eye, one focused manually with
> the 2x magnifier.  
> > I made an additional exposure with the F50 using
> AF. I wasn't looking  
> > at OOF rendering or other characteristics in this
> test, just near- 
> > center resolution/contrast and my ability to focus
> the lenses  
> > accurately.
> > 
> > The results:
> > - For all lenses, a noticeable change in focus was
> seen with the 2x  
> > magnifier when making a focus ring change of less
> than 10 degrees.  
> > The F50 ring has the shortest turn and is the most
> sensitive to  
> > change. The focus indicator light is illuminated
> through 10-15  
> > degrees turn of the focus ring with all of these
> lenses, so for f/1.7  
> > and f/1.4 lenses, it simply cannot be trusted at
> wide open aperture.
> > 
> > - F50/1.7 focused very poorly on AF with this
> target. Out of 5 tries  
> > (set focus on my hand at 20 inches, let refocus on
> the target), four  
> > were badly defocused, the fifth was passable only.
> Focused manually,  
> > it produced the sharpest and clearest image.
> > 
> > - Differences between the A50/1.4 and K50/1.4 are
> small but  
> > noticeable. The A50 is sharper and more contrasty
> wide open, lead to  
> > greater focusing accuracy with either eye or
> magnifier. Both require  
> > some delicacy and patience in setting critical
> focus... even a tiny  
> > movement of the focus ring can throw them off the
> best setting.
> > 
> > - The A50/1.7 was almost the same as the F50,
> although *slightly*  
> > less contrasty. Perhaps they improved the lens
> coatings between the A  
> > and F versions at tiny bit? The difference is
> within my average focus  
> > error, it seems. The A50/2 was also surprising
> close to the A50/1.7  
> > on center too, although corners and edges fell off
> more.
> > 
> > - The use of the 2x magnifier helps, but it still
> requires patience  
> > and care to set accurate focus with such a large
> lens opening at this  
> > distance. Three out of the five sets showed no
> significant difference  
> > in focusing by eye, vs with the magnifier, one was
> better and one  
> > slightly worse. That says to me that it helps but
> only to a limited  
> > degree, at least on this kind of target.
> > 
> > I would certainly not refer to any of these lenses
> as "unusable" at  
> > wide open aperture, however. More difficult to
> focus, yes; not as  
> > desirable on certain types of subject matter,
> maybe. But all of them  
> > turned a creditable quality image for wide open
> work, as long as you  
> > make an effort to focus them accurately.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Godfrey
> > 
> > 
> > On Sep 3, 2005, at 3:13 PM, Don Sanderson wrote:
> > 
> > > Thanks Rob, that's about what I found on these
> when on the ist-D.
> > > It's nice to have the bright finder but if it
> won't focus for me
> > > anyway it's no advantage.
> > > The thing is I never had a problem wide open
> with the M on film.
> > > The _good_ thing is the FA50/1.7 seems to really
> shine when used
> > > on the digital.
> > > Live and learn. I happy now and I'm sure someone
> will enjoy the A.
> > >
> > > Don
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >> -----Original Message-----
> > >> From: Robert Whitehouse
> > >> Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 4:52 PM
> > >> To:
> > >> Subject: RE: A50/1.4 versus M50/1.4, Comment
> Please
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Don,
> > >>
> > >> I also own an "M"  50/1.4 and an "A" 50/1.4.
> > >>
> > >> I found that they are both just about un-usable
> at f1.4 and I  
> > >> wouldn't try
> > >> unless I am desperate.
> > >>
> > >> However, by the time you get to f2.8 they are
> both fine and at
> > >> f4.0 they are
> > >> the sharpest lenses that I have - I know that I
> can get great  
> > >> results with
> > >> portraits at f4.0 to f5.6 on both film and
> digital.
> > >>
> > >> Rob W
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> -----Original Message-----
> > >> From: Don Sanderson
> > >> Sent: 03 September 2005 02:44
> > >> To: PDML
> > >> Subject: A50/1.4 versus M50/1.4, Comment Please
=== message truncated ===

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