As far as I can tell neither the A 1.4 or 2X L converters will work safely on either A* or M* 300 f4 lenses. Since a picture is worth a thousand words here are the relevant pages from Boz's site:

and my Photo of the rear view of the M*300 f4.0. The A* is exactly the same.

The rear element of these 300's sits just about at the same plane as the lens mount.

Fred wrote:

Interesting, since I don't think the protruding elements will allow you
to mount the L converter on a A*300 f4.0, (or on the M*300 for that

That is correct.  I However, I've found that the A 2X-L and the T6-2X both
work well on the Pentax M*/A* 300/4 twins.


When you're worried or in doubt, Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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