I did spend quite a bit of time on the floor with her. It's essential to getting decent pics of itty-bitty kids.
On Sep 6, 2005, at 12:47 AM, Boris Liberman wrote:


My granddaughter is now eleven months old, and she is, of course, reading. I started her out on the New York Times, because I think it will be a plus in terms of vocabulary development. I did tell her to beware the liberal bias. She answered, "You don't have to tell me, Grandpa." That's my girl <vbg>. Here she is with the Sunday magazine.

Paul, you did remind of me of very intensive reading sessions Galia used to have with her books. It is good though that some of them were printed on plastic.

Did you discuss Honda cars after she was done with political news column? ;-)

You were crawling beside here, weren't you? ;-)


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