Nice shot. I find the conversion quite good. It shows good range from the almost white highlights on the shirt to the almost black shadow areas in the hair. Good shadow detail under his chin and good highlight detail on the skin. As an infrequent visitor to London, I'll invoke a distant, vague memory and guess that it's St. James Park??
On Sep 6, 2005, at 12:56 AM, Boris Liberman wrote:


If you stand so that the Buckingham palace is on you back and go left, you enter a part... What would be its name? Never mind - my mind is often working in a very peculiar ways...

Here is a PAW photo for you to look at.

As usual in this case, I am particularly interested about what you have to say on the b/w conversion. This time I used Channel Mixer + Hue/Saturation layers technique...


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