Since modern multicoated lenses transmit more
than 99 percent of the light that hits them
(<1% reflection) I doubt that's ever visible.
A poorly designed mirror box or relflective
metals on the lens rear surfaces would be
more like culprits than the lens optics
in causing unwanted stray light reflections
I would think.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Oswald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 1:23 PM
Subject: Sensor reflection

Godfrey alluded in another post to the fact that there is a possibility 
of sensor reflection affecting an image.  This hadn't previously 
occurred to me, but makes perfect sense.

So that begs the question; is it possible that some of what we often 
think we see as CA is actually a reflection off of the CCD back to the 
rear element, and from the rear element back to the CCD?

The CCD is a pretty reflective surface.  I suppose that's a necessary 
evil.  This is asking a question of speculation... Is there any point 
for camera manufacturers to investigate the possibility of 
non-reflective CCD's?  Or is that simply an impossibility?

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