I use the older 3265 on a monopod. I had the choice
between that and the 322RC2 and tried them both out in
the shop. There was something odd about configuring it
for easy left-handed use in the horizontal position, I
vaguely remember it felt very awkward. I decided that
I would be less likely to use it horizontally anyway
and the 3265 felt more comfortable. I use it pretty
much all the time when shooting agility (in the
vertical position), then when I want portrait
orientation I just drop it down through 90 degrees
into the slot.
I just use the standard manfrotto plates on the lens's
tripod collar. They hold a 70-200 or 100-400 on a
1dMK2 without any problems.


--- Ryan Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just bought myself a Manfrotto 680B monopod and a
> 322RC2 grip-style
> ballhead, based on reading some other users'
> experiences on the net. I'll
> probably end up occasionally switching the head
> between my Velbon Mountain
> Chaser tripod legs and the monopod- I don't think
> I'll switch between them
> so often that it'll become tedious.
> Was just wondering if any listers use/have used this
> head on their monopod
> (or with the older 3265 even) and would like to
> share experiences. Do you
> prefer to keep the grip horizontal or vertical?
> Also, the lens I'm going to use is going to be
> mounted via tripod collar-
> are Manfrotto plates the only compatible plates?
> They come across as being a
> bit small. I've looked at RRS lens collar plates and
> they look pretty good,
> but I couldn't find anything similar to mate with a
> Manfrotto clamp.
> TIA for any input,
> Ryan

Wendy Beard
Ottawa, Canada

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