On 8/23/05, Bob Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To complement comments made about taking 900+ pix with the *ist DS in
> my first 80 days, I'll offer these two photos.
> http://members.aol.com/rfsindg/legs.jpg
> Back yard butterfly, with A100/2.8 macro
> as shot, just resized from cameras 2000x3008 pixels
> Way easier that slides and scanning...

The butterfly's beautiful - so is the photograph of it.

> http://members.aol.com/rfsindg/t-birds.jpg
> USAF Thunderbirds, with FA70-200/3.5-4.5 zoom (the wobbly one)
> Crop of original at 100% - camera shake added by photographer.
> (The formation was a small part of a much bigger picture.)
> This was taken at the Chicago Air & Water show last Saturday.
> Look closely at the end of right wing of the last aircraft.
> Shortly after this pass, the last half of the Thunderbird's show was canceled.
> Reports were that a missle rail (hanger) had fallen off of one of the 
> aircraft.
> It's only a snapshot, but I was impressed...

For a snap, it's pretty cool - just wait until I get my CNE Airshow
snaps back if you want to see blurry airplanes (and I don't mean "good
blur") <<LOL>.  I love airshows, and yours captures the spirit of

frank (still plumbing the "archives" for old PAWs) <g>

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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