People who wants to buy a computer often ask the same question. Perhaps if I
wait, something better will be around, and probably cheaper. It's getting
cheaper and better alle the time. Well, it doesn't change that fast. Pentax
doesn'øt change that fast. Most earlier Pentax top (film) models have lasted
5-15 years. For digital they'll probably be in the market for a year,
perhaps two.

That's true, but IMHO not a good reason to wait. Get on board now. The
sooner the better. Get some experience and a lot of nice shots.

Go for a high end digital camera now (DSLR) camera. It's not important wich
one as long as it's a Pentax - to facilitate your expensive lenses - and
future lenses. Changing brand is a very expensive PITA. Be prepared to buy a
new body every 2-5 years. The same as with (other) computers.

6MP is fine for most work - you can make nice prints in A4-size (8x12") at
300 ppi - and even larger if you res up a lot in PS or similar. If you wmat
8 , 10 or 14 MP you must remember to spend more money on new harddrives as
well. When I shoot appr, 130 pics takes up 1,5 GB of hard drive space. More
MP's means more need for computer space. When will you need a larger picture
than 8x10"?

I love using the "D", except the buffer is too small (make five shots, then
wait 30-40 seconds :-(
AF is too slow for some occations. It's not a camera for sports photography.
For that you'll need 8 4-8 FPS, a larger  buffer and very fast AF. For
"normal" shooting it's an excellent choise and a very pleasant camera to
use. Very high quality. Mine has done almost 20.000 shots and works and
looks exactly as when I first got it one year ago.

I don't know the DS, but it seeems to be higly valued in reviews. It has a
larger buffer than the "D" but can't make TIFF's (who needs this anyway - I
shoot RAW exclusively?)

Jens Bladt
Arkitekt MAA

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 6. september 2005 22:08
Emne: Decisions, decisions...

Hello everyone!

My brain hurts. To be brief, I decided to go digital - mostly due to
some unpleasant experiences with film&minilabs.
I'm sure I'll enjoy an *istDS, it's a great camera. But... I can't
stop thinking "what will the next model looks like?" - you know, few
more MPs would help me change the camera later (for me it's a very
expensive acquisition so I want to keep it as long as possible). Yes,
it's not a good idea to always wait for the next model (I won't - this
year or the next I'll have one) and the camera from your hand takes
better pictures than the camera you're just dreaming at.
But... it's September, few months until PMA (and that means new
cameras). What if Sony will have a new sensor? Or... Pentax said 3
cameras/year, and if the silver DS doesn't count, we should see
another announcement this year. I would really hate to buy a camera
only to find out I really wanted that newly-announced model.

Can anyone guess what will happen? When we'll see a the DS2/D
replacements? Or at least try to give me an advice, think a little at
this; what will you do in my place - it helps to know your brains
hurts too <grin>
Uhh... few months earlier or later I wouldn't had any problem.

Best regards,
Alex Sarbu (which don't knows what "brief" means ;) )

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