I prefer the original. On my monitor, the bright area on her forehead is beginning to show a hint of posterization on the higher contrast version.
On Sep 8, 2005, at 2:45 AM, Bruce Dayton wrote:

Hello Shel,

Based on your recommendation, I went back and punched it up just a
bit.  I think it does look just a bit better, although it has a slight
effect on the skin tones.  I'm suspecting my monitor is just a shade
more contrasty than yours.

Anyway, here's the changed image:

and the original:


Wednesday, September 7, 2005, 11:25:31 PM, you wrote:

SB> Hi Bruce ... pretty well done. Love the catchlights in Amber's eyes. Pose SB> is pretty nice - relaxed, informal ...my first reaction is that it was just SB> about a perfect setup, but when I looked on my monitor in PS it seemed that SB> a little tweak with levels, color, or contrast could help out a bit, give SB> the pic a little extra "sparkle" without really changing the feeling or the SB> light very much. On my screen there seems to be a veiling, or flatness, to
SB> the image.

SB> Shel

[Original Message]
From: Bruce Dayton

This is my daughter.  It was taken as the light was waning in the
evening. I had to use a fairly slow shutter speed and large aperture to get a reasonable exposure. She had just gotten her hair highlighted and
wanted a few shots of it.

Pentax *istD, FA 50/1.4, handheld
ISO 400, 1/30 sec @ f/2.4, Fill flash on bracket


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