Does anyone have experience of LED lighting panels in photography?

Although there are commercial products available, it should not be that difficult for the electronics buff to make a couple of panels quite cheap. White high intensity LEDs are avaialble for about $50 per 100 and that should be enough for small object photography, I think. With 25-50 light sources mounted close together, a diffusor seems unnecessary.

What kind of light intensity would be required at a distance of 50 cm (20 inches)? I'm afraid that I know little about the physics involved apart from that some of it is measured in Candela. Ah, the Wiki says that a 100W bulb emits about 120 Cd. A 5mm LED can give 20.000 mCd so 100 of the blighters should give 2000 Cd. That sounds pretty intense, does't it?

Any help is appreciated :-)


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