You're doing very well, Paul, in today's market. The bottom really has fallen out of the stock photography business. Not too many years ago a significant portion of my annual income came from stock sales, but in the last few years I've been lucky to make 10% of what I used to make in a year. Others I know in the business have similar tales.

Royalty free clip disks have knocked the bottom out of the market. For many needs these "one size fits all" photos work just fine. I'm surprised that the site you're working with can get $ 270 for an image when people can go to Comstock and others and get a whole disk full for that. I wonder what their secret is.


On Sunday, September 11, 2005, at 11:36  AM, Paul Stenquist wrote:

I've been selling six or seven images a year with around 240 posted on a royalty free stock house site. All images on the site sell for around $270, so I make about $130 on each sale. I've heard that you need a base of several thousand to develop steady returns. And of course some sites sell better than others, but those are usually tougher in regard to placing images. The site I'm currently working with is
On Sep 11, 2005, at 10:46 AM, Jens Bladt wrote:

Does anybody here have positive experience (profit) with stock photography?
It seems more and more websites are opening galleries/agencies, where
freelance phographers may sell their images.
I have heard of some people who have posted photographs, but I never met anyone who actually made a profit or at least had some income this way?

Jens Bladt

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