
In addition to seeing Godfrey's 20-35, would you be interested in seeing a
Tokina 20-35/3.5-4.5 autofocus lens at the Pixel Party?  It's not the 2.8, but
it's mostly metal constructed, as far as I can tell and quite a bit heavier
than my other Pentax lenses.  As far as image quality, you will have to decide
for yourself.

Like Godfrey, I find myself using this focal length a lot in addition to the
28-105/3.2-4.5 now that I am using the digital body.

Pat in SF

--- Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Welcome back ...
> I tend to agree with you, but I've just gotta see for myself.  It's not
> just the extra stop that's of interest, although that's the prime
> consideration, but other factors such as the characteristics of the image
> and build quality are also factors that I'd consider.
> Shel 
> > [Original Message]
> > From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 
> > Just got back from a two-day jaunt to Tijuana and back. 
> > Only 1 stop faster on the Tokina compared to the  
> > FA20-35/4 isn't enough to warrant the additional size and weight,  
> > even if the Tokina is a good performer, IMO.

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