
Never posted a PAW before. This is actually two, but very similar pictures. I would normally dislike the first one, as I have chopped the son's head on the left:

http://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/%7ekavousan/GandA.jpg (<100KB)

However this one I like less, but do you agree/understand why?

http://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/%7ekavousan/GandA2.jpg (<100KB)

Both are with the MZ-50, one of my 50s, Tri-X [EMAIL PROTECTED], scanned from (traditional machine process, not digital scan, and B&W paper) print using a bottom-line Canon scanner.

Kostas, I definitely like the first one better. It is much more "interactive" to me.

Otherwise, both are excellent snaps for family album (<-- a compliment)...



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